Airswept Roller Mills

Grind, Classify, and Dry in One Operation

airswept mill

Bradley Airswept Mills combine the fine grinding action of a pendulum roller mill with air stream classifying and fluid bed drying capabilities to produce precisely sized particles for a variety of applications. Sized to meet your application requirements, Bradley Airswept Mill systems are used in a variety of industries and can achieve:

  • Outputs of <1 to 150 tons per hour
  • Product fineness from 50% passing 150 microns to 99.9% passing 30 microns
  • Final products with less than 0.1% moisture from high moisture feeds containing up to 15%

Capacity of a given mill size is dependent on a variety of factors, including:

  • Material being ground
  • Fineness of the finished product
  • Amount of moisture in the feed to the mill

Performance Features

  • Unique over-driven design means low investment
  • Ground level access to wear parts and low feed
  • Less vibration and noise reducing maintenance costs
  • Simple solid block foundation
  • Gearbox oil does not need cooling
  • Fluid bed drying saves 25% on fuel costs
  • Belt drive allows optimum speed selection
  • Negative pressure air system ensures dustless operation

Grinding, Classifying & Drying in One Operation


Our flagship pendulum roller mills are equipped with three pendulum roll assemblies suspended from a rotating carrier. As the carrier rotates, centrifugal force causes the roll assemblies to swing outward against the stationary ring. Plows direct material from the mill floor to the grinding zone where it is ground using a combination of attrition and impact.

A continuous air stream carries pulverized material from the grinding zone up to a separator. Product sized material is collected while overized particles are rejected and recycled for further grinding. The conveying air stream can also be heated to fluidize and dry material being ground.


Pulverized material from the grinding zone is carried by the air stream up to a separator located above the mill. From there, product size material is carried to a bag house or collection cyclone while oversize particles are rejected and returned to the mill for further grinding.

Bradley Airswept Mills can be equipped with many different styles of classifiers to meet customer application demands. To produce desired particle size distribution, Bradley Pulverizer offers both static and dynamic classifiers.

Learn More About:


For processes that utilize high moisture feed materials, the conveying air stream can be heated for fluid bed drying of ground material. Hot air is introduced into the grinding zone of the mill to fluidize and dry ground particles for easier flow through the airswept system. This method of drying is also advantageous as it reduces costs of drying material.

Bradley Pulverizer Airswept mill diagram

Over-Driven Integral Gearbox Advantages

Bradley Mills are unique among ring-roll designs in that they are driven by an overhead integral gearbox – including our largest sized mills . The Bradley Mill gearbox sits above the grinding chamber which offers several advantages over competitor mills.
1. GEARBOX: The integral gearbox above the grinding chamber adds significant live mass to the pulverizer, reducing vibration and lower wear on the mill.  This design doesn’t require oil cooling and is 10% more efficient than other mills.
Bradley Airswept Mill Cutout
2. FEED: Ground level grinding zone allows for a low-level feeder as well as a lower feed hopper and conveyor.
3. DRIVE: Bradley mills are V-belt driven which allow optimization of mill speed to ensure operation is quiet and output is maximized as well as easier maintenance as compared to oil or water cooled gearboxes.
4. GROUND LEVEL ACCESS:  Wear parts at ground level allow for easier and safer maintenance of the roll assemblies and grinding ring.
5. FOUNDATION:  Because the gearbox is above this mill, a simple, solid flat foundation block is used, which minimizes vibration and noise and reduces installation costs.

The unique over-driven design of the Bradley Pulverizer Air Swept Mill is more efficient than other mills resulting in a lower per ton operating cost.  The mill’s robust construction means lower maintenance costs and less down time than other mills.  The drive and gearbox configuration ensures vibration is minimized, operation is quiet and maintenance requirements are kept low for years – decades- of high performance.  The end result is a simple, solid foundation with lower installation costs and a superior power-to-weight ratio.
Over Driven Design Advantages of Bradley Mills
Over Driven Design Advantages of Bradley Mills
Bradley Mills Design Comparision
Bradley Mills Design Comparision


  • Fertilizer Industry
  • Cement Industry
  • Coal & Coke Grinding
  • Limestone & Dolomite Quarries
  • Pellet Plants
  • Glass & Ceramics
  • Mining Industries
  • Oil Industry
  • Paint Manufacture
  • Desulphurization Process
  • Marble Processing
  • Miscellaneous

Standard Mill Specifications

Mill Sizes Figure

Mill Size Mill Motor Fan Motor Maximum Feed Size
BM2 22 KW
25 HP
30 KW
40 HP
13 MN
0.5 IN
BM3 35 KW
50 HP
30-35 KW
40-50 HP
15 MN
0.6 IN
BM6 55 KW
75 HP
45-55 KW
60-75 HP
20 MN
0.8 IN
BM10 75-90 KW
100-120 HP
55-75 KW
75-100 HP
25 MN
1.0 IN
BM14 132-160 KW
180-200 HP
90-132 KW
120-180 HP
30 MN
1.2 IN
BM20 200-315 KW
270-425 HP
160-200 KW
200-270 HP
40 MN
1.6 IN
BM30 315-400 KW
425-535 HP
250-315 KW
335-425 HP
50 MN
2.0 IN
BM50 400-500 KW
535-670 HP
375-400 KW
500-600 HP
60 MN
2.4 IN
BM60 500-750 KW
670-1000 HP
375-600 KW
500-800 HP
80 MN
3.1 IN


Contact Us to learn more about how Bradley Pulverizer can solve your materials processing needs