Proof of Concept Testing & Product Development

Comprehensive Testing and Development Services for Designing the Optimal Milling Process


Bradley Pulverizer offers comprehensive testing and development services to help customers design the optimal process for specific milling and classifying applications.  Whether laboratory scale, pilot plant or full-scale production testing is required, Bradley Pulverizer offers a variety of testing services between our US and UK facilities.

US Facility

  • Laboratory Scale Testing
    • Grindability testing
    • Classification
  • Milling Testing
    • BM3 Airswept Mill – Pilot plant /Full scale testing
    • Drying capabilities
  • Scale Classification Testing
    • Windsifter (MS1) Classifier

UK Facility

  • Laboratory Scale Testing
    • Grindability Testing
    • Classification Testing – small batch testing for:
      • metal powders
      • inert purge capability for explosive materials
      • hygienic materials
    • Scale Classification Testing
      • Windsifter (MS1) Classifier
  • SSP and Other Acidulation Feasibility Testing
  • Fertilizer Manufacturing, Animal Feed and Other Applications
  • Other Testing
    • Particle size analysis
    • Moisture testing
    • Calcining tests

Material Evaluation

on-site mill system for testingThe testing process begins with an assessment of materials.  Materials are evaluated for hardness, grindability, friability and abrasiveness.  The results of these tests allow the engineers to identify initial mill operating parameters and classifier selection to begin mill testing.

Bradley pendulum roller mills are ideal for semi-fine and fine grinding of materials of medium hardness, such as limestone, phosphates, and coal.

Grinding/Mill Testing

A series of milling tests are completed to demonstrate that a Bradley Mill is ideal for your application.  Pilot testing is completed on a BM2 Airswept mill. Each round of testing includes a timed test run once equilibrium is established in the operating mill. Parameters that can be adjusted to reach predetermined product specifications include:

  • Mill RPM
  • Mill Amp or DP set point
  • LVT Classifier RPM
  • Main Fan RPM
  • System Air Flow Temperature

During the testing process, cyclone rate, speed, amperage draw, pressure and temperature data are collected and plotted and then evaluated to identify the optimal parameters to produce the desired product fineness.  A variety of static and dynamic classifiers are also available during testing.

Classification Testing

Bradley Pulverizer WindsifterScale classification testing is available in both our US & UK facilities on our standalone unit, the Windsifter Classifier.  Fitted with a filter to achieve finer cuts or a cyclone for coarser cuts, classification testing can be performed to meet the following objectives:

  • Splitting of coarse and fines
  • Dedusting of chip material
  • Separation by bulk density

Outcome measures of productivity and efficiency are obtained by adjustment of several variables, including rotor speed, fan speed and feed rate as well as evaluation of the effect of material properties, such as size, weight and moisture levels.

In addition, laboratory scale classification testing is available for specialized materials and hygienic processes.  Constructed from our laboratory classifier is ideal for testing of high value materials, such as metal powders. With the capability to inert purge, explosive material testing is also possible.

Single Superphosphate (SSP) Fertilizer Development and Other Acidulation Testing

With a world renown reputation in SSP processing, Bradley Pulverizer is the expert in acidulation processing and plant design.  Our team of engineers has a deep understanding of material reactions and the processing variables that affect final product outcomes.  Having served the phosphate fertilizer industry for over a century, Bradley Pulverizer has expanded its expertise beyond SSP to acidulation testing for animal feeds, Jaderite and more.

Our UK testing facility has provided feasibility testing for a variety of materials and applications, including:

Product Mineral Source Application
Single Super Phosphate (SSP)
  • Phosphate Rock
  • Precipitated Calcium Phosphate (PCP)
  • Partially acidulated filter cake
  • Degreased animal bones
  • Treated sewage
  • Nitro Phosphate
  • Double Super Phosphate (DSP)
  • Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)
  • Partially Acidulated Phosphate (PAP)
  • Mono Amonium Phosphate (MAP)
Phosphate Rock – many sources
  • Mono Calcium Phosphate (MCP)
  • Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP)
Limestone Animal Feed
Synthetic Gypsum Limestone Soil Conditioner/construction material
Lithium Jaderite Lithium Extraction

Prototyping & Product Development

Bradley Pulverizer works with our customers to develop and optimize products.  In an ever-changing world, Bradley is here to help customers overcome challenges.  Bradley’s long history with pulverizing and classifying puts us in an excellent position to solve problems.  Our experienced engineering staff can help define product goals and work with our customer to design a process to produce their desired product.  Limited production runs to create product for market testing are also available. Bradley can address product challenges including developing new product lines from existing materials, utilizing substitute or raw materials from new suppliers and meeting changing product requirements.  Our Customers can rely on Bradley’s consulting services to help them specify, test and prototype new end products.

A Complete Solution

Bradley Pulverizer is a comprehensive provider of a wide range of services for the mineral processing industry and beyond.  From development and testing to process design, installation and maintenance and service, Bradley Pulverizer is your partner for successful mineral processing.

Whether you’re looking to optimize a current process or develop a new one, Bradley Pulverizer engineers work closely with customers to identify their product and process goals to provide  customized solutions.


Call 855-670-8777 (International: +44 1322-559-106 ) or Contact Us to discuss your testing and development needs