Unique Design Advantages of Bradley Air Swept Roller Mills

Unique Design Advantages of Bradley Air Swept Roller Mills

Bradley Pulverizer has been a leading manufacturer of air swept roller mills for over 100 years. Our proven design provides efficient and reliable installations for the mineral industry worldwide.  This blog is the first in a three-part series and discusses the key design advantages that contribute to the popularity and effectiveness of Bradley pendulum roller mills.

bradley airswept millIntegral Gearbox: Bradley mills are the ONLY mills with an integral gearbox on all of our models, including our large mills.  Because the Bradley Mill gearbox is over-driven and sits above the grinding chamber, if offers several advantages over other under-driven mills.

  • Spiral-Bevel Gears – The Bradley gearbox uses spiral-bevel gears that are so efficient, the gearbox oil does not need to be cooled, even when the mill system includes a dryer.
  • Extra Live Mass – The over-driven gearbox adds 30% extra live mass to the mill, which results in less noise.

Solid Foundation: A simple concrete block foundation results in less vibration than other commercial mills.  It eliminates the need to be supported on anti-vibration mountings and is less expensive than the blocks needed for under-driven mills.

Ground Level Access:  Wear parts at ground level give easy access for safe maintenance, as roll assemblies can be changed using a forklift truck and do not require access platforms or scaffolding for safe working.

Low Level Feeder: The ground level grinding zone means that the installation can have a low-level feeder, to allow a lower feed hopper and conveyor.

Belt Drive: The V-belt drive allows optimization of mill speed, for maximum output with minimum noise and vibration, and provides a safety factor in the event of a mill being jammed.

The unique over-driven design of the Bradley Pulverizer Mill offers several advantages over other under-driven mills.  The drive and gearbox configuration ensures vibration is minimized, operation is quiet and maintenance requirements are kept low for years providing decades of high performance.download button

Contact Us to learn more about the unique design advantages of Bradley air swept roller mills.

(US) 855-670-8777 | (International) +44 1322-559-106